Action Greensboro, together with the Chamber of Commerce, serves as the city’s primary economic and community development group. Formed in 2000, Action Greensboro is comprised of six local charitable foundations. In collaboration with business, higher education, and municipal government, Action Greensboro works to strengthen Greensboro’s economy and ensure the continuation of its excellent quality of life. Since its beginning, The Cemala Foundation has invested in the fundamental work that Action Greensboro undertakes. 

Action Greensboro’s plan of work has evolved since its founding to move with the tide of community needs. While most known for major downtown developments, such as Center City Park, Union Square, and the Downtown Greenway, Action Greensboro has made major investments in K-12 education, economic development, workforce alignment, talent development and recruitment. 

Understanding that the community’s ability to nurture, attract, and align a well-educated, skilled workforce is essential to maintain our city’s growth, Action Greensboro adopted a plan of work focused on supporting talent development in 2018. This plan includes the following initiatives:  

Boomerang Greensboro 

Aimed at attracting former residents back to Greensboro, Boomerang Greensboro shines a spotlight on Greensboro’s spirit of individuality and inclusivity, family friendliness, and low cost of living. 

Campus Greensboro 

Campus Greensboro is an initiative dedicated to preparing local college students for a professional environment and helping them envisi

on a future living and working in Greensboro. 

Through year-round programming and events, talented students are connected with local businesses for mentorship or internship opportunities, are motivated to explore all that Greensboro has to offer, are invited to special activities, and are exposed to leadership and executive skills programs.

Future Ready GSO 

Action Greensboro and Family Forward NC are partnering to increase the number of greater Greensboro employees who provide family-friendly workplace benefits and become Family Forward NC Certified Employers. The goal is for Greensboro to be declared the first Family Forward NC Certified Community by February of 2025. 

Guilford County Schools S.M.A.R.T. Bond Campaigns 

With a diverse group of community leaders, Action Greensboro coordinated campaigns to promote two ballot initiatives totaling $2 billion in support of Guilford County Schools (GCS). 

Talent and Workforce Enhancement 

Action Greensboro has collaborated with others to develop a Triad Talent Alignment Strategy.   Collaboration is important when the Greensboro-High Point metro is both (continue with that paragraph found in the middle of the page). 

Action Greensboro produces and distributes a Talent & Workforce Survey.  The survey is designed to equip employers, community stakeholders, and policy makers with trusted data and unique insights on the industry and talent landscape of the Triad.   

Additionally, Action Greensboro publishes a Guilford Talent and Workforce Guide, an overview of area resources that supports the local labor market at all stages of economic development.  This is used by employers to grow teams and to more deeply engage their workforce. 

Entrepreneurship and Workforce Development through the Chamber of Commerce 

The Cemala Foundation has a long-time interest in entrepreneurship dating back to the formation of Action Greensboro in 2000. At that time, one of Action Greensboro’s primary interest areas was entrepreneurship and Cemala supported the Piedmont Triad Entrepreneurial Network. Our interest is in expanding the culture of innovation throughout Greensboro and Guilford County. 

Since 2009, Cemala has contributed almost $800,000 to the Chamber for entrepreneurial and workforce development initiatives including Entrepreneurship Connection and Launch – both designed to foster entrepreneurship and small business development.